
Lo Romero Golf

Lo Romero Golf

O hřišti

It is a course where you can enjoy the experience of being a golfer. Lo Romero Golf is referred to as the “The golf island” a name that it has been referred to since it´s inaugration in the Levante area located in the Spanish Province of Alicante.

The Golf Island¨ is actually situated on the 18th green, which is fairly level circular green surrounded by water with a foot bridge for access to the green. Once on the green the player will have the sole sensation of sinking the ultimate putt to complete a round of golf giving themselves a feeling of personal satisfaction and achievment. From the first Tee shot on Hole 1 to the last putt on the 18th Green the golfer can enjoy a round of golf in a tranquil environment filled with the beauty of the sounds and natural perfumes of nature and giving a sensation of being isolated from the rest of the world.

Lo Romero Golf is the perfect course for golfers who are passionate about golf and the Island of Golf is an ideal course for golfers for all levels of ability.


Rychlá rezervace


18 jamek


Lo Romero Golf

Ctra. Orihuela, km 29 Apdo. Correos 129, 03190 , Pilar de la Horadada, Alicante

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